GLIA-CTN Patient Advocacy Committee
Meeting Recording and Document Library


This online library of advocacy meeting recordings, minutes, and supporting documents/slides is intended to be used exclusively by advocacy leaders affiliated with the GLIA-CTN Advocacy Committee. We are firmly committed to transparency through the distribution of information and resources to members of the broader advocacy and patient communities; however, recognizing that past meetings of the GLIA-CTN Advocacy Committee contain privileged and sensitive information, the materials on this page may not be downloaded and should not be distributed to a broader audience.

Quarterly All-Hands Meetings (FY22)

First Quarterly Meeting (September 27, 2021)


Second Quarterly Meeting (January 24, 2022)


Advocacy Workgroup Meetings (FY22)

Patient Registry Panel Meeting (December 14, 2021)


Patient Registry Bootcamp Meeting (March 29, 2022)



If you have questions, or would like to request additional information not included below, please do not hesitate to reach out to the GLIA-CTN Advocacy Committee Chair, Erica Barnes (, Co-Chair, Kristie DeMarco (, or Program Manager, Omar Sherbini ( On behalf of the GLIA-CTN, we are incredibly grateful for all that you do, and we hope that this page will serve as an additional source of information in a growing arsenal of resources available to leaders who are dedicated to advancing advocacy efforts in the leukodystrophies.